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Statistical (or categorical) evaluation from 2 data.frames. The input data.frames (model and observation) must contain a "date" column (containing POSIXlt). The function perform some simple case tests and perform the time pairing of observations and model data and can calculate the statistical evaluation or categorical evaluation.


  rname = site,
  table = NULL,
  site = "ALL",
  wd = FALSE,
  fair = NULL,
  cutoff = NA,
  cutoff_NME = NA,
  no_tz = FALSE,
  nobs = 8,
  eval_function = stat,
  time = "date",
  verbose = TRUE,



data.frame with model data


data.frame with observation data


row name of the output (default is site argument)


data.frame to append the results


name of the stations or "ALL" (default), see notes


default is FALSE, see notes


model data.frame (or list of names) to perform a fair comparison, see notes


minimum (optionally the maximum) valid value for observation


minimum (optionally the maximum) valid value for observation for NME


ignore tz from input (force GMT)


minimum number of valid observations, default is 8


evaluation function (default is stat)


name of the time column (containing time in POSIXct)


display additional information


arguments to be passing to stats and plot


fair can be a data.frame or a character string to be used for the analysis, alternatively the function

for wind direction a rotation of 360 (or -360) is applied to minimize the wind direction difference.

If site == 'ALL' (default) all the columns from observations are combined in one column (same for observation) and all the columns are evaluated together.

Special thanks to Kiarash and Libo to help to test the wind direction option.

See also

stat for additional information about the statistical evaluation and cate for categorical evaluation.


model <- readRDS(paste0(system.file("extdata",package="eva3dm"),
obs   <- readRDS(paste0(system.file("extdata",package="eva3dm"),

# if there is no observed data
# the function return an empty row
table <- eva(mo = model, ob = obs, site = "VVIbes")
#> VVIbes has only 0 valid observations (lesser than 8 obs)
#>        n Obs Sim  r IOA FA2 RMSE MB ME NMB (%) NME (%)
#> VVIbes 0  NA  NA NA  NA  NA   NA NA NA      NA      NA

# if the site are not in the input data frame a message is displayed
# and the function return an empty row
table <- eva(mo = model, ob = obs, site = "Ibirapuera")
#> Ibirapuera not found in observation input
#>            n Obs Sim  r IOA FA2 RMSE MB ME NMB (%) NME (%)
#> Ibirapuera 0  NA  NA NA  NA  NA   NA NA NA      NA      NA

# calculating statistical with a few observed values
table <- eva(mo = model, ob = obs, site = "Americana")
#> Americana has 227 valid observations
#>             n      Obs      Sim         r       IOA       FA2     RMSE
#> Americana 227 40.92952 18.18197 0.6492022 0.5934335 0.4229075 32.47269
#>                  MB       ME   NMB (%)  NME (%)
#> Americana -22.74754 24.10165 -55.57735 58.88575

# calculating categorical (using 2 for threshold) with a few observed values
table <- eva(mo = model, ob = obs, site = "Americana",
             eval_function = cate, threshold = 2)
#> Americana has 227 valid observations
#>             n      Obs      Sim thr        A      CSI      POD        B
#> Americana 227 40.92952 18.18197   2 93.39207 93.36283 97.23502 101.3825
#>                FAR     HSS      PSS
#> Americana 4.090909 8.44313 7.235023

# calculating categorical (using 2 for threshold) with a few observed values
table <- eva(mo = model, ob = obs, site = "Americana",
             eval_function = cate, threshold = 10)
#> Americana has 227 valid observations
#>             n      Obs      Sim thr        A      CSI      POD        B   FAR
#> Americana 227 40.92952 18.18197  10 74.00881 71.90476 75.12438 79.60199 5.625
#>                HSS      PSS
#> Americana 24.01997 40.50899