Meteorologist, PhD in Science

Postdoctoral Research Associate at Northeastern University. I have a specialization in micrometeorology, and I bring extensive expertise in numerical weather and air quality models and the development of computational tools. My professional interests include atmospheric boundary layer, turbulence, transport phenomena, wind tunnel essays, atmospheric chemistry and analytical solutions. My work is focused on advancing our understanding of the atmosphere through innovative scientific research.

Publication list

  • 20. The impact of exposure assessment on associations between air pollution and cardiovascular mortality risks in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • Seulkee Heo, Daniel Schuch, Washington Leite Junger, Yang Zhang, Maria de Fatima Andrade, Michelle L. Bell
    Submitted to Environmental Research, 2024
  • 19. Air quality modeling intercomparison and multi-scale ensemble chain for Latin America
  • Pachon, J. E., Opazo, M., Lichtig, P., Hunneus, N., Bouarar, I., Brasseur, G., Li, C. W. Y., Flemming, J., Menut, L., Menares, C., Gallardo, L., Gauss, M., Sofiev, M., Kouznetsov, R., Palamarchuk, J., Dawidowski, L., Rojas, N. Y., Andrade, M. D. F., Gavidia-Calderón, M. E., Delgado Peralta, A. H., Daniel Schuch.
    EGUsphere, 2024
  • 18. Air quality modeling in the metropolitan area of São Paulo, Brazil: A review
  • Mario Gavidia-Calderón, Daniel Schuch, Angel Vara-Vela, Rita Inoue, Edmilson D. Freitas, Taciana Toledo de A. Albuquerque, Yang Zhang, Maria de Fatima Andrade, Michelle L. Bell
    Atmospheric Environment, 2024
  • 17. A synergistic ozone-climate control to address emerging ozone pollution challenges
  • Xiaopu Lyu, Ke Li, Hai Guo,Lidia Morawska,Beining Zhou, Yangzong Zeren, Fei Jiang, Changhong Chen, Allen H. Goldstein, Xiaobin Xu, Tao Wang, Xiao Lu, Tong Zhu, Xavier Querol, Satoru Chatani, Mohd Talib Latif, Daniel Schuch, Vinayak Sinha, Prashant Kumar, Benjamin Mullins, Rodrigo Seguel, Min Shao, Likun Xue, Nan Wang, Jianmin Chen, Jian Gao, Fahe Chai, Isobel Simpson, Baerbel Sinha, Donald R. Blake
    One Earth, 2023
  • 16. Towards Unified Online-Coupled Aerosol Parameterization for the Brazilian Global Atmospheric Model (BAM) Aerosol-Cloud Microphysical-Radiation Interactions
  • Jayant Pendharkar, Silvio Nilo Figueroa, Angel Vara-Vela, R. Phani Murali Krishna, Daniel Schuch, Paulo Yoshio Kubota, Débora Souza Alvim, Eder Paulo Vendrasco, Helber Barros Gomes, Paulo Nobre, Dirceu Luís Herdies
    Remote Sensing, 2023
  • 15. Low-Level Atmospheric Flow at the Central North Coast of Brazil
  • Luiz E. Medeiros, Gilberto Fisch, Otávio C. Acevedo, Felipe D. Costa, Paulo G. Iriart, Vagner Anabor, Daniel Schuch
    Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 2021
  • 14. Short-Term Responses of Air Quality to Changes in Emissions under the Representative Concentration Pathway 4.5 Scenario over Brazil
  • Daniel Schuch, Maria de Fatima Andrade, Yang Zhang, Edmilson Dias de Freitas, Michelle L. Bell
    Atmosphere, 2020
  • 13. A two decades study on ozone variability and trend over the main urban areas of the São Paulo state, Brazil
  • Daniel Schuch; Sergio Ibarra Espinosa; Leila Droprinchinski Martins; Vanessa Silveira Barreto Carvalho; Bruna Ferreira Ramin; Jayne Souza Silva; Jorge Alberto Martins; Edmilson Dias de Freitas and Maria de Fatima Andrade
    Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019
  • 12. EmissV, A preprocessor for WRF-Chem model
  • Daniel Schuch, Sergio Ibarra-Espinosa, Edmilson Dias de Freitas, Maria de Farima Andrade
    Journal of Atmospheric Science Research, 2019
  • 11. eixport,An R package to export emissions to atmospheric models
  • Sergio Ibarra-Espinosa, Daniel Schuch, Edmilson Dias de Freitas
    Journal of Open Source Software, 2018
  • 10. EmissV, An R package to create vehicular and other emissions for air quality models
  • Daniel Schuch, Sergio Ibarra-Espinosa, Edmilson Dias de Freitas
    Journal of Open Source Software, 2018
  • 9. Proper Orthogonal Decomposition and Spectral Analysis of a Wall-Mounted Square Cylinder Wake
  • Henrique Fanini Leite, Ana Cristina Avelar, Leandra de Abreu, Daniel Schuch, André Cavalieri
    Journal of Aerospace Technology and Management, 2018
  • 7. The Long-Range Memory and the Fractal Dimension, A Case Study for Alcântara
  • Cleber Souza Corrêa, Daniel Schuch, Antonio Paulo de Queiroz, Gilberto Fisch, Felipe do Nascimento Corrêa, Mariane Mendes Coutinho
    Journal of Aerospace Technology and Management, 2017
  • 5. Padrões de vento a nível de superfície para região da costa norte do Brasil (Surface-level wind patterns for the northern Brazilian coast region)
  • Luiz Eduardo Medeiros, Gilberto Fisch, Paulo Iriart, Felipe Denardin Costa, Dionnathan Willian Oliveira, Daniel Schuch
    Ciência e Natura, 2016
  • 4. Estudo do escoamento turbulento atmosférico utilizando ensaios em túnel de vento e simulação numérica (Study of atmospheric turbulent flow using wind tunnel and numerical simulation)
  • Daniel Schuch, Edson R. Marciotto, Otávio Acevedo, Gilberto Fisch, Ana Cristina Avelar
    Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia, 2014
  • 3. Análize da influência da estratificação sobre perfis de vento e temperatura em experimentos de túnel de vento (Analysis of the influence of stratification on wind profiles and temperature in wind tunnel experiments)
  • Giuliano Demarco, Franciano S. Puhales, Felipe D. Costa, Daniel Schuch, Amanda F. Faria, Ana C. Avelar, Gilberto Fisch, Otávio C. Acevedo
    Ciência e Natura, 2013


    Postdoctoral Research Associate

    2020 - Present
    Northeastern University, Boston-MA, U.S.

    Application, evaluation and development of Air Quality models for multiple projects and regions, and other activities at CASCADE (Clean Air Smart City and Digital Earth) lab

    • Brazil: multiyear application and evaluation of WRF-Chem model
    • US: Development of GHG emissions (for WRF-GHG and WRF-Chem-GHG) and model evaluation
    • Dubai: Application of CAMx model and use of probing tools for source apportionment, process analysis and simulation of emission scenarios
    • Dissemination of scientific findings in conference and scientific journals
    • Mentoring PhD students/candidates
    • Support other projects

    Postdoctoral Research

    2018 - 2019
    University of São Paulo, São Paulo-SP, Brazil

    Study of the impact on air quality of emission scenarios in the formation of the secondary pollutants: ozone and particulate matter in Brazilian metropolitan regions using numerical models.

    • WRF-Chem model
    • Projection of air quality

    Postdoctoral Research

    2017 - 2018
    University of São Paulo, São Paulo-SP, Brazil

    Research focused on obtaining a complete diagnosis of the impact of vehicle fuels on air quality in urban regions in the southeast of Brazil and adjacent areas, through atmospheric modelling and scenario studies.

    • WRF-Chem model
    • VEIN model

    Specialist external consultant

    2016 - 2016
    ENEVA LTD., Rio de Janeiro-RJ, Brazil

    Perform simulations of the dispersion of sulfur dioxide (SO2) from the thermoelectric power generation plant at Porto do Itaqui located in São Luís (Maranhão) using WRF-CHem and analysis of the results. The analysis was delivered in the form of media (images and animation) and a technical report together with the technical opinion.

    • WRF-Chem model
    • Impact of emissions

    Researcher DTI-2

    2011 - 2013
    INPE, São José dos Campos-SP, Brazil

    The research focused on determining turbulent flow behaviour in clearing regions and the mechanisms of atmospheric interaction between clearings and the Amazon forest, such as recirculation, boundary layer structure and formation of organized structures for this type of flow regime.

    • Large Edge Simulation (LES) model
    • Turbulence
    • Wind tunnel essay
    • Amazon clearings


    iSuper - Intelligent Solutions to Urban Pollution for Equity and Resilience (iSUPER) pairs low-cost, adaptable sensing technologies with novel pollution prediction models to accurately identify hyperlocal pollution hot spots in real-time.
    Wellcome Thrust UK - Development and application of WRF-Chem to simulations of the air pollution (ozone and particulate matter) at the street level for two major Brazilian metropolitan areas for the present day and future (2050).
    PAPILA - Multi-model prediction of Air Pollution in Latin America and the Caribbean
    QUALAMET - Modeling the impact of vehicle emissions with different fuels on air quality using information from environmental measurements and emission inventories
    VLS-PLUME - Development of an algorithm to simulate the dispersion of gases and particles released by space vehicles at the Alcântara Launch Center.
    GILTT solution - Analytical solution and Simulation of pollutant dispersion with chemical reaction in the atmospheric planetary boundary layer using transform techniques.

    OSS Contribution

    I'm a creator and contributor of Open Source Software R-packages in CRAN and github.

    EmissV - Tools to create and process emissions for numeric air quality models
    eixport - Tools to export emissions to atmospheric models
    VEIN - Model that estimates vehicular emissions by top-down and bottom-up methods
    qualR - Tools to download air pollutants and meteorological information

    Skills & Proficiency


    Air Quality models


    Weather forecast models

    Github / Cod-cov / github-pages

    Python / C# / C++ / Fortran